There is general agreement that CRM is a game-changing tool that can help businesses scale faster and work smarter.

SuiteCRM is an open-source CRM solution and forked from SugarCRM. SuiteCRM has won the BOSSIE Award 2015 and 2016 for the world’s best Open Source CRM.

\"\" SuiteCRM

Redian Software is an official delivery partner of SuiteCRM.

Agenda of the webinar:

– What is SuiteCRM?

– Why organizations are using SuiteCRM over Salesforce, Zoho and MSdynamics. etc

– Features of SuiteCRM.

– How SuiteCRM can best fit for your organization.

– License and infrastructure.

– Scalability and integration with 3rd party software.

– UI/UX and Performance

– About latest Release 7.9.4

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