The Economist, Mint, New York Government, and Arizona University share a common similarity—they are all built using Drupal open-source software. Drupal, written in PHP code, is an open-source script that is free of licensing costs and has been the choice of developers for many years.

Drupal is a premier web content management platform trusted by enterprises, governments, higher institutions, and NGOs. It excels in publishing a single website or sharing content across devices in multiple languages, transforming content management into a powerful digital solution. Providentially, Drupal has evolved into one of the most comprehensive CMS systems, with a specific programming environment. It is better described as a programmer’s platform rather than a customized CMS script.

Opportunities & advantages with Drupal Web Development:

  • Includes a lot of functionality – Drupal includes a lot of functionalities like advanced menu management, polls management, graphics modification tool, users’ management, and much more.
  • Variety of content types – Drupal is famous for allowing users to create and manage many content types, such as videos, polls, user management, text, blogs, podcasts, statistics, and others.
  • Advanced users’ management – An administrator can create new user accounts and establish their permission rights. Additionally, users can be divided into groups and given assignments. Moreover, they can be granted permissions to manage specific parts of your website.
  • Graphics management – The script includes the capabilities of design elements editing. Available templates and themes make for a good start.
  • Page content management – Drupal allows you to categorize your content through URL addresses, paths, making your own lists. This structure makes for easy management, search and reuse of the content.
  • Plug ins – The script has several thousands of plug-ins available on its website. Since Drupal is an Open Source, you can use as well as create your own plug ins.
  • Supports – On the Drupal homepage, you’ll find documentation, a discussion board, chat, mailing list, etc. There’s abundant information and help available for managing and modifying the script.
  • Turn Big Data into Business Insights – Data is important, but what makes it valuable is finding ways to interpret it that move the needle for your business.
  • Transform the Customer Experience – At its core, the transformation is the process of adapting your specific experience so that the customer gets the most out of it when they want to, where they want to, and how they want to.
  • Security – Drupal is a secure CMS and application framework, enduring internet vulnerabilities. It has an excellent security track record and a structured process for investigating, verifying and publishing potential issues.


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