The Technology that proffers a wide range of varieties to choose from, creates a perplexed situation in our mind. It is a very common occurrence that makes one to ponder more and more while choosing a best suited framework to their respective requirement. Similar is the situation with PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) that is one of the most popular web development and server-side scripting language in the world, holding its position for over a decade. Now, PHP’s wide adoption and popularity has given rise to numerous PHP frameworks that empower web developers with the capacity to develop and deploy more complex and secure web applications.

Primarily, lets take a quick look at the key points that has led to PHP’s wide adoption and popularity, giving rise to numerous PHP frameworks empowering the web developers with the capacity to develop and deploy more complex and secure web applications.

PHP provides numerous benefits for developers such as:

  • Rapid development and adoption of proven best practices.
  • Reusable codes and components resulting in a structured and maintainable web application.
  • Inbuilt Model-View-Controller (MVC) web application design pattern thus ensuring separation of presentation and logic.
  • Leverage Object-Orient Programming (OOP) methods and tools thus extending web applications’ capabilities.
  • Developer community and time tested security policies and methods availability resulting in a more secure web application.

By removing the time and effort required to build generic components, one can dedicate more time to specific tasks and functionality, and focus on sustainable, high-quality code. We have identified the best PHP frameworks to help you build the best enterprise applications:


Laravel is by far the most popular PHP framework out there. Introduced back in 2011, it a provides PHP developers with a huge ecosystem that can be leveraged to make web application development faster and easier.Laravel can be used for huge enterprise level applications, or simple JSON APIs, meaning it\’s perfectly suited to all types and sizes of projects. It\’s built on top of several Symfony components, providing a solid foundation of well-tested, reliable code.


Built for PHP developers who need simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web application. CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework that is lightweight and straightforward with hassle-free installation as well as minimal configuration. Uniquely, its not a strict MVC design pattern adherent in that Models and Views are optional but Controller classes are a must.CodeIgniter features a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. It\’s exceptionally fast, as its core system only requires a few small libraries.


CakePHP enables you to build web applications faster, using code generation features to rapidly build prototypes. There is no complicated configuration, just setup your database and you\’re ready to go. Translations, database access, caching, validation, authentication and more are all built into the framework. It comes packaged with clean MVC conventions, to guide you in developing your application. Furthermore, it’s been in the marketplace over a decade now and still widely adopted and respected. Its rich features such as form validation, SQL injection prevention, good documentation, cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection, cross-site scripting (XSS) prevention, active developer community and many others will keep this PHP framework around for many years to come.


As a matter of fact, it allows for the development of large-scale enterprise web applications. Owing to its huge ecosystem, large set of reusable PHP components, and a very active and engaged PHP developer community. Moreover its reusable PHP libraries can assist with the completion of tasks such as templating, authentication, routing, object configuration, form creation and much more.The use of Best Practices guarantees the stability, maintainability and upgrade-ability of any application you develop.


There\’s no need to learn or use the C Language, as the functionality is exposed as PHP classes ready to use. As Phalcon is loosely coupled, you\’re free to use the full framework, or just specific parts of it as glue components. Rather than download an archive, extracting it to a directory like you do with most frameworks, Phalcon can be downloaded and installed as a PHP module.


“Flexible” and “Full-Stack” are two words that best describe FuelPHP – a PHP framework that not only supports the MVC pattern but also extends it by evolving its own version called HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller). In addition, FuelPHP is modular and extendable and handles security policies by introducing features of input and URI filtering and output encoding. It has its on authentication mechanism as well as rich features and well documentation.


PHP-MVC comes in two versions, a basic and advanced, with the advanced version featuring additional Twig support and automatic SASS compiling in pure PHP. It is not a fully featured framework but instead provides a bare-bone structure, aiming to be extremely slimmed down. It\’s as simple and readable as possible, with a skeleton structure for quick application building, especially useful for those new to PHP.

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